Wednesday, April 06, 2011

34 Week Check-Up

OK, again, I'm technically seeing my doctor 1 day before so I'm really 33weeks 6 days... but whatever... at this point he just gets fatter, its not like 1 day makes that pivotal of a difference!
The doctor got a new digital scale! Yeah, 21st century! It read 164.6 and I think I was about 140lbs when I got pregnant (but they wrote down 142lbs at my 9 week check-up... I swear I packed that on in carbs o keep from puking so I like to say I was really 140lbs). So, I have put on about 25.5lbs so far. That's not too bad given the amazing amount of pure candy/dessert crap I have managed to consume in this pregnancy verses when I was carrying Evie...
So, again, I'm at 34weeks but measuring at 35.5weeks. That's rather consistent with this pregnancy... I seem to always be off by about a week.
The doctor said he is still head down and has his butt curled up against the same side of my belly that Evie favored. I'm super curious why my babies like to hang out on my right side... there's got to be some hidden meaning to this, right?
I told the doctor I wanted a morning timeslot for my C-section above all else. I even told him I didn't care if it was, gasp!, Friday the 13th! I just want a morning slot, period. They scheduled me for 3PM with Evie and by the time they gave her to me that night... it was 9PM... and that all counted as 1 of 3 days in the hospitol. F that S. If I am paying some $700 a night for such fancy accomodations... I demand an early check-in. Harumphf!
Fortunately, my doctor finds my hysterical and not at all a pain-in-the-ass so I think he'll make my request happen. So, stay tuned, I go back in 2 weeks (April 21) and we should have a date set by then!

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