Saturday, January 29, 2011

24 Weeks 2 Days : Photo

I finally went back and posted the 20week photo (as previously promised). Holy schitt, what a difference a month made (ok, and that 4 lbs I gained during my 23 week check-up helped). I knew I was bigger... but I'm realizing now that I'm closer to the end than I thought just moments before comparing these! Ok, OK, ... yes, technically... I have a long way to go... but man, I'm really pregnant.
Sometimes you forget. :-/

Monday, January 24, 2011

For the Love of Shoes

Shopping at Old Navy this past Saturday AM (50% off all clearance + 25% off for card holders = WIN!)

Evie spied the jelly shoes again this year (she desperately wanted them last year and I never gave in.
I have agreed to give in IF we can find ones that are like sandals... these mary jane styles will just result in sweaty feet & possible falls.

"Look!" Evie feverishly points to the translucent purple shoes hanging.
"Yes, I know. Jelly shoes."
"Can we eat them?!."
"No, Evie... not gummy shoes. Besides, that would be gross, dontcha think?"

Evie sat down next to display rack and proceeded to try on one of each color.
Ah, my little Imelda Marcos.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Evie goes to the dentist

Evie's first visit was in the summer when she turned 3. Rob took her in and it was more of a "meet your dentist" type of visit where she got familiarized with the lay-out, the chair, what the light looks like shining down on her smile. There was no real cleaning or anything going on at this visit. From what I heard from Rob's reports... she wouldn't open her mouth and was rather quiet with a little bit of "frigid" mixed in.
Fast forward to 6 months later.... check up at 3.5 years old.
Evie was prepped last night when I told her what to expect at the dentist. I told her they don't have a sink to spit in but rather a magic wand that sucks the spit out of your mouth. I told her they'd brush her teeth, make her smile and it would all be pretty much the same as at home.
Rob picked her up from school early... she apparently was cheering the fact that she was "going to the dentist! I'm going to the dentist!"
(Who is this kid?)
Evie apparently had no problems opening her mouth this time and they polished her teeth with the electric brush. (Evie cupped my cheek in her hand when she got home tonight and whispered, "I got the cherry [toothpaste].")
This kid cracks me up. She marched on into the house with her goodie bag, "Wanna see what I got?" She proudly displayed a mini toothpaste, sparkly purple Snow White toothbrush, a pink bracelet and an elephant sticker. What a haul! Its almost like Halloween.
Almost. ;-)

23 Weeks

OK, well, I will be tomorrow.
Went to the doctor for my check-up this morning.
I've gained 4lbs since last visit (ack, 4 lbs in 4 weeks?!.) and I am measuring at 25 weeks.

I did take pictures of the belly just over 20 weeks (around Christmas) that I have yet to post. I may just wait till next week's "week 24" photo and post 'em together. Stay tuned....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tonight we learned the word "short-cut."

Calling Evie to the bathroom to brush her teeth... I hear her scattering about calling back, "I'm coming!"
I sneak through the door in her bedroom which (ah, the fun design of an old house) leads to the pantry which then opens on the other side into the kitchen. She stops in the kitchen to ask me, "What? I was giving daddy a hug!"
I reply, "That's fine... just c'mon. Go through here and follow me to the bathroom."
Evie knows this path but doesn't use it often. She looks at me temporarily confused.
"C'mon," I coax,"Its a short-cute."
"C'mon. Short-cut, let's go!"
"Now? A short-cut?" she asks.
"Yeah, now, we gotta brush your teeth."
I push Evie into the bathroom and slide over her step-stool. Instead of getting up on it under the sink, she sits down.
"C'mon Evie!" I think she is stalling or being silly,"We are brushing teeth, get up!"
"What? Oh. I thought you were doing a short-cut."
I pause.
I think.
"A haircut?!." I ask (she's only had me trim her hair twice and she only remembers the one recent time).

Too funny.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Well, the scare tactics worked

Evie puts up a FIGHT to wear a nightgown to bed (and a dress to school, and so on and so on with everything girly).
Its freezing ass cold outside in the middle of January in the South where most places (including our home) lack proper insulation... so we argue endlessly when we have enough fight in us. Lately, we've been stressing that she wear PJs to bed at night so she doesn't get cold if she kicks off the covers.
We tell her, "You'll get cold."
"Will I get sick?" (this is a panic button for Evie 'cause all she ever thinks about with the word 'sick' is the time she threw up in the bed).
"Well, no. [I can't lie to her] But you'll get cold and you can get sick if you are cold all the time.... it doesn't help."

So, tonight Evie wants to wear a nightgown after putting up a tear-filled 20 minute meltdown last night over having to wear PJs.
I let her have this one with no fight, "Go pick one out," I say.
Evie enthusiastically grabs an ankle-length Hello Kitty nightgown (the key here is the length... she thinks prettier/Princess dresses are ankle-length).
Fast forward to completing the bedtime routine and out goes the light.
Not 5 minutes later, a panicked cry, "Mommy... Mommy! ... MOMMY!"
I walk quickly into her room, "What is it????"
Evie sits up in full sobs, "I don't wanna wear a nightgown! I don't wanna get cold. I want pajamas!"

Hmmm, I don't know if this is a victory or a sign Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Numerical coincidences (?)

Yes, these are the types of things I think about.

I found out I was pregnant on April 1, 2010 (and would be due at/around December 7th) but the pregnancy ended in miscarriage. My DNC was early May.
I then found out I was pregnant again on September 11th and would be due in May(will most likely have a C-Section which will be sceduled one week before my due date... ) around the 12th -or- early May.
I find it interesting that I'll be due with a baby around the same time I suffered the loss of a baby one year before....

Evie turned 3 1/2 years old the first week of January (January 2nd, really). I am in the middle of this pregnancy as of the first week of January (December 30th, really). Funny that both halfway markers are within the same week!

I was engaged in an even year but married in an odd year. I got pregnant in even years with the kids both due in odd years. Seems like we spend even years planning/working and odd years reaping the benefits. ;-)