Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Well, the scare tactics worked

Evie puts up a FIGHT to wear a nightgown to bed (and a dress to school, and so on and so on with everything girly).
Its freezing ass cold outside in the middle of January in the South where most places (including our home) lack proper insulation... so we argue endlessly when we have enough fight in us. Lately, we've been stressing that she wear PJs to bed at night so she doesn't get cold if she kicks off the covers.
We tell her, "You'll get cold."
"Will I get sick?" (this is a panic button for Evie 'cause all she ever thinks about with the word 'sick' is the time she threw up in the bed).
"Well, no. [I can't lie to her] But you'll get cold and you can get sick if you are cold all the time.... it doesn't help."

So, tonight Evie wants to wear a nightgown after putting up a tear-filled 20 minute meltdown last night over having to wear PJs.
I let her have this one with no fight, "Go pick one out," I say.
Evie enthusiastically grabs an ankle-length Hello Kitty nightgown (the key here is the length... she thinks prettier/Princess dresses are ankle-length).
Fast forward to completing the bedtime routine and out goes the light.
Not 5 minutes later, a panicked cry, "Mommy... Mommy! ... MOMMY!"
I walk quickly into her room, "What is it????"
Evie sits up in full sobs, "I don't wanna wear a nightgown! I don't wanna get cold. I want pajamas!"

Hmmm, I don't know if this is a victory or a sign Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

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