Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Evie goes to the dentist

Evie's first visit was in the summer when she turned 3. Rob took her in and it was more of a "meet your dentist" type of visit where she got familiarized with the lay-out, the chair, what the light looks like shining down on her smile. There was no real cleaning or anything going on at this visit. From what I heard from Rob's reports... she wouldn't open her mouth and was rather quiet with a little bit of "frigid" mixed in.
Fast forward to 6 months later.... check up at 3.5 years old.
Evie was prepped last night when I told her what to expect at the dentist. I told her they don't have a sink to spit in but rather a magic wand that sucks the spit out of your mouth. I told her they'd brush her teeth, make her smile and it would all be pretty much the same as at home.
Rob picked her up from school early... she apparently was cheering the fact that she was "going to the dentist! I'm going to the dentist!"
(Who is this kid?)
Evie apparently had no problems opening her mouth this time and they polished her teeth with the electric brush. (Evie cupped my cheek in her hand when she got home tonight and whispered, "I got the cherry [toothpaste].")
This kid cracks me up. She marched on into the house with her goodie bag, "Wanna see what I got?" She proudly displayed a mini toothpaste, sparkly purple Snow White toothbrush, a pink bracelet and an elephant sticker. What a haul! Its almost like Halloween.
Almost. ;-)

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