Wednesday, April 27, 2011

37 Week Check-Up

I have no idea what I measured... I was too busy asking questions about the C-Section! I also never asked about my dialation and effacement... cause... again... I'm having a C-Section (who cares!).
I can say this, my Strep B test came back positive... which, means nothing cause I'm drum roll, please) having a C-Section!
(Wow, why am I even going to the doctor for check-ups if nothing matters?)
I managed to gaine 1.5 lbs in the last week, too. Weight gain is so odd... it took me 2 weeks to gain .5lbs but only 1 week to gain 1.5lbs. Go figure. So, I'm up about 26.5lbs overall with 2 weeks to go...

I asked about Rob being able to cut the cord. Can't... cause I'm having a C-Section (boo!)
I also asked about the circumcision. Not much to report there except that he'll be getting one (yes, yes... I feel terrible for him pain-wise but I honestly do believe in it overall so we'll all get through this OK).
So... one more check-up to go next Thursday...

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