Thursday, April 21, 2011

Photo: 36 Weeks today

Only 3 more weeks for me! Ah, the confidence and convenience of having a C-Section. I feel like a cheater and yet I also don't feel like a cheater when someone goes over their due date by a week (or more!)... that's just cruel Mother Nature!

I am 36 weeks today and just went in for my 1st of the final 4 visits (although, I'll just have a final 3 visits).
I am only .5lbs more than 2 weeks ago! I have absolutely no idea how that has happened considering yesterday's lunch was peanut-butter on toast with a fruit juice & ice cream. All crap/garbage food. I eat candy like a teenager on Halloween night and I scarf convenience foods cause they're... well... convenient. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining... just amazed that you can physically see my stomach expanding and yet the numbers on the scale do not move... make zero sense to me.
So, in conclusion, by my estimates... I have gained 25lbs so far with this pregnancy. That's roughly where I was at this point with Evie. Interesting!

I am measuring at 37 weeks (means nothing, really, for all you soon-to-be moms who think that just means you'll have the kid sooner... you won't necessarily!).

I am .3cm dialated and 30% effaced.... again, means nothing unless you are actually in labor!

OK, this post is making me hungry. I'm off to get a burrito. Hmmm....

1 comment:

ClarityandConfidence said...

You look amazing! Speaking as one of those Mom's who did make it to almost two weeks past her due date I am glad you have your c-section scheduled.