Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Day at Maymont

Alycia came in town for an overnight with baby Ryan. It was the first time for a visit in a l-o-n-g time (well, them coming outto our neck-in-the-woods at least). After a ridiculously long traffic jam en route here, the ladies arrived in the rainy evening and stayed overnight to enjoy a beautiful today.
Alycia, Evie and I enjoy a coffee shop breakfast this morning (with guest star Tim Kaine! He lives 'round these parts) before grabbing a freshly nap-rested Ryan and heading off to Maymont Park. We toured some petting zoo goats and chickens. We walked down the very steep hillside (read: 35.5 weeks pregnant!) to where the foxes, owls and eagles are all rescued. Evie and I shared a cherry snowcone, we all watched the bears and picked many flowers before walking back uphill and heading out ...homeward bound.

W-O-W. I caught a profile of myself in the restrooms moments before this picture was taken so, yes, I am aware of my enormity. I still can't tell if its the shirt that makes me look huge or if I truly AM this huge.

Evie and I kept giggling that Ryan looks like she's excited to nibble on a piece of poo she found (to be fair I think its one of those "gumballs" from the trees).

Ah, the goats! They come running for outstretched hands and then quickly leave if you don't have a hand-out for them...

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