Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dry Nights = Big-Girl Panties to Bed

Evie's worn pull-ups to bed since completing her potty-training this time last year. I haven't been in a rush at all to "hurry her along" to giving up the training pull-ups considering I was a bed-wetter after her age. Why rush such things? Might as well wait until her bladder was ready.
We've had many dry pull-ups in the last 6 months but the past 2 months we've been really seeing many dry nights. We told her we needed 5 nights in a row. So... this past week she did it!
Yesterday we made up a fresh bed with a special pee-pee guard atop the sheets. Evie got to pick out any panties and nightgown she wanted. We then went to bed after not drinking anything for the hour leading up to bedtime.

This morning - yeah! She not only slept in until 8 AM (therefore, we ALL slept in until 8AM, A-W-E-S-O-M-E!).... but she was nice and dry!

We're prepared for slip-ups and steps backward.... but night 1 resulting in a dry night... is a big step in this BIG girl's life!

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