Saturday, June 30, 2007

Final Days

Well, this post will mark the closing of Saturday. The final Saturday before baby... only 1 full day left. Its crazy because there are so many ways I'd like to spend this final weekend (a quick trip to the beach, a long walk with the dogs around the park, a trip to the mountains for a small hike, a day trip to Busch Gardens for some wicked rides.... ). Alas, I am still pregnant and I can't do many (ok, all) of these things I am thinking about. I know this trip ends on Monday but my body sure doesn't... and it gets tired quickly these days. I can tell my body is getting into gear for labor (please! Not before Monday at 3PM!) and I am.. slowing... down.
My belly really sits low. In fact, 2 co-workers commented on my changing profile just this past Thursday. I plan to take the "final" huge belly photos tomorrow so we'll have to compare them with just a week ago. But its funny, I feel like it swings & sways slightly when I walk. It certainly feels like its pulling me down with it when I walk a long distance. Pregnancy is so odd.
We ran errands today and grabbed some items to help organize the house before baby is here. We ate lunch out. We picked up a few key items at the grocery store. All that activity had me wiped. We then lounged for a few hours before Rob grilled BBQ chicken. After dinner, a movie. I feel lazy. Its a good lazy, yes. But its also an odd lazy. I really do not have any "long range goals" in mind... for once. I don't have that "urgency" associated with knowing the weekend is only 2 days long so we must get these things done before Monday! That feeling of, "Well, its almost July so we need to get started on working on the blah-blah-blah before fall hits and we have to wait again till next year." Or hell, I haven't even thought about it being the 4th of July this week and 'where are we grilling & watching the fireworks?"
And, I'm not just sitting around and waiting either. I did get a little "fluttery" early this morning thinking about how Monday is just around the corner. But I haven't begun panicking yet. I really am trying to take each day as it comes and trying to squelch the typical voice in my head that sends these fun reminders, "Its only 2 days away! Only 2 days and you'll be under the knife... and scared... and later in pain... and clueless... and scared some more... and tired... and in unfamiliar territory..." Honestly, I can joke about it but it really hasn't begun to sink in yet. Let's hope it still hasn't by noon on Monday, shall we?
Again, tomorrow's the last day where I can, albeit with help, move around reasonably carefree (and more importantly pain free). So, I better enjoy it. And, make the most of it. I'm experiencing a little buyer's remorse these days and wondering what it is I am really in for. But I've never heard anyone say anything negative once they have kids (OK, there ARE horror stories of embarrassing kids or rude teenagers. But, ultimately, people love their kids). So I should be alright.
I just really wish I could take a day trip to the beach, leave the belly at home, and come back refreshed & ready for this next stage.

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