Wednesday, June 27, 2007

4.5 Days...

Its funny how the countdown has begun to go in another direction. Instead of counting how far I've come... its a countdown to how much further I have to go.
People have been very excited for us (please hold off on all silent "duh's")... the idea of knowing the specific day is a very cool concept. It is, don't get me wrong. Its all still... so... shocking!

I was in line at the office cafeteria today. A woman I have attended meetings with turns to ask, "When are you due, again?"
"Um, well, technically, the 10th. But, um, I am having a C-Section on Monday."
"The 2nd? This Monday?"
"Why are you here?!."
Ha! I thought this was a funny conversation.

We are using each day to get activities done. D came over to help set-up the baby hammock that he loaned us. He also helped move a dresser. Today, we installed the car seats in both cars. I paid all bills today & caught up on our checkbook entries. Tomorrow, I'll pack away baby laundry and finally start cleaning up nursery room details. I want to get things "done" by Sunday so Rob and I can go out to a nice dinner & enjoy a private day alone together. Its kind of nice knowing we have this opportunity to plan and organize our last, baby-free, day together.

The baby's been moving a LOT today. Its actually getting painful. I'm so tight. I had a book resting on my belly and she kicked it ...and it lurched! (This book was a coffee table "Big Book of Birthdays"... its huge and heavy! I'm both impressed by her strength and totaly creeped out).

I'm getting nervous about doing too much to cause myself to go INTO labor. Now I need to keep things calm and cool until Monday. Its odd to go from trying to jumpstart things to then slowing them down. ;-)

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