Sunday, June 03, 2007

Knocked Up

Well, despite my reluctancy to go see "Knocked Up," we went to the matinee this afternoon. I knew it would be funny & completely entertaining... I just also knew at the end she'd HAVE the baby and I'd leave the theater still pregnant. I'm at the stage of pregnancy where I'm a green-eyed monster to those who are further along then me. Well, I've actually been a bit jealous of those closer to the finish line for awhile now, this isn't all that new. Its just getting worse as I'm feeling a little isolated watching gal-pals and fellow prenatal yogi classmates become actual moms while I'm... still... pregnant.
I'll get over it.
Moving on...
I attended S + P's wedding last night. I thought that day would never come so this is a good sign that time is still moving forward despite my finding it to be moving slower. I wore a co-workers hand-me-down empire waisted dress and felt comfortable albeit a little matronly. I wore white sandals for a whole 25 minutes before having to nearly surgically remove them from my feet (my feet which, like roots of very old tree, have begun to grow around anything too tight). I then spent the next few hours in comfy flip-flops while scouting out chairs to occupy. We dined on bar-b-que sandwiches and waited for somebody to accidentally slip into the pool (it was outdoors and in a backyard). By 9:30PM - I was done. I'm so old. Maybe I'm just lazy. Maybe... its the pregnancy... but its frustrating what a lame-duck I've become. Thank God Rob hasn't hassled me on this factor and has instead chosen to be entirely supportive. I'd feel like a total loser if he wasn't constantly building me back up again after I lament about not feeling well, being sleepy or unable to stand up from a seated position. All pregos should be so lucky.
I crashed out around midnight and awoke at 1:45AM to go pee. After slipping, well flopping, into bed again... the contents of my stomach settled up into my esophagus and into the very back of my throat. I bolted upright. The shut-off valve to my stomach has officially ceased working and this sensation SUCKS. I drank a billion tiny sips of water to rid my mouth of the burning sensation only to find I was stuck with the taste and now I'll need to pee hourly all night long.
I moved to the couch - I had to sleep sitting up after that episode. I did crash out and later woke up around 5:30AM to get back into bed with Rob (who never even noticed my absence, which, is surprising since he tells me I snore like a freight-train these days). We slept in a bit before joining friends for b'fast at Panara Bread Co.
As a result of my night last night, I am foggy today and left feeling a little *blah*. I wonder if this is just the beginning of many more uncomfortable nights ahead of me. I'm also wondering if, like everything else, I'll adjust and eventually be OK with the fact that I now can only really sleep on my one side, can hardly roll out-of-bed to go pee every 2 hours... oh, and now I have acid reflux. Dare I ask? What's next?

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