Tuesday, June 12, 2007

There Will Be No Leaking!

So, I'm beginning to prepare the husband by showing him books & magazine articles. I'm preparing the dogs by putting an end to the jumping and the barking for no reason. I'm preparing the house by moving around furniture and prepping the baby's room. Now, I'm finally preparing myself by purchasing every leak guard out there. (Well, one of the box of nursing pads was purchased by me and the others were shower gifts).
After hearing water breaking stories (like T who bought "underpads" for the her bed, which, she not only used in bed but in the car ride over to the hospital), I thought it wise to have something on hand...just in case. And, just in case, I got some maxi pads, too (I just couldn't go as far as actually buying Depends under garments). Plus, from what I have learned - I'll need them.
So, now its official - I am leak proofed. How humbling pregnancy can make you.

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