Sunday, July 01, 2007

Dear baby Ullman,

Well, in exactly 24 hrs you and I will both be questioning what we've gotten ourselves into. Hopefully, and I know we will, we will overcome this confusion and find out what a fun adventure awaits both of us. You will finally see the outside world and I will finally see you. You will have more of a voice & freedom from restricted movement. I will hear your cries & will be able to finally hold your hand.
I do want to warn you about a few more things since last time I wrote you.
Its hot outside (which is great for you since your little body can't regulate temperature in these first few weeks). Its also hot inside, your dad and I have a very old house and limited air conditioning units. So, you will be drier outside the womb but the heat's about the same. Hope you like it warm.
The dog's will be a little hyper when they first meet you. They mean well, they are just a little high-strung. They'll probably also be a little jealous and hold a grudge for some time. Do try and not take it too personally. They are new to you as you are to them and it can make for some testy waters. I'm sure, over time, you will all fall into a happy repertoire and enjoy each other's company.
Dad's real excited to meet you. You and I have had the opportunity to get to know one another over these last 9 months (you know that I like seafood and I know that you like sweets. I also know you hiccup after the foods you like and that you get punchy around 9PM... its when you like to stretch out as far as you can reach & when I like to rub you back to sleep). Dad, again, is really good with babies and kids. You'll love him (you are very lucky, you know). He says silly phrases and thinks he's funny all the time (ok, he IS funny. You know when you shake up & down furiously at night? When your nest feels like an earthquake? Thank your father for that - he's making me laugh again). I hope you find him just as entertaining as I do - cause it will make your childhood that much more enjoyable, memorable and fantastic.
I might be groggy when you first meet me. I hear you will be, too. We'll just have to bear it out with one another and work with what we've got. You and I will get better with time, I'm sure. Both our bellies will be sore (you get a belly button and I get a new scar). We just have to remain patient and understanding with one another. Now, it won't be easy... but we'll adjust and we'll try every step of the way, ok?
Well, I should sign off for now. Your father and I plan to spend some time alone together (isn't THAT a funny thought? You're right here in my belly with us afterall). Its a lovely day outside and I'm craving a near-beer on the back porch (or is that you craving it? You are my daughter! *wink*)
Rest up! Try not to keep me up too late tonight. Tomorrow's a big day and we have to put on a big performance. Get ready! A whole new life awaits you & I'm excited!
Love, mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww Brooke, that is the most beautiful blog post I've ever read. You made me cry. :)