Monday, July 30, 2007

4 Weeks Old

4 weeks. 1 month. How do you count these things? Weeks and months never match up (40 weeks pregnant = 10 months... not 9, people).
So, Evie is 4 weeks today and will, officially, be 1 month on August 2nd (Thursday).
But let's celebrate this milestone, whatever it may be.
Evie has changed in just 4 weeks time.
We have no problems latching on, or eating, for that matter. In fact, we stay awake while eating (which, is fantastic that I don't have to keep prodding her to finish up) and she wraps things up in 10 minutes on each side. We do still spit-up but the medicine is helping cut down on the volume of spit-up. Plus, we are getting used to having to strip out of our clothes and get a fresh shirt before the next feeding.
Evie opens her eyes more & for longer periods of time and has, very recently, began to follow things. She'll STARE at the ceiling fan with a bit of recognition at its motion. She watches your hand move across her field of vision and will sometimes smile at the delight of it. No longer cross-eyed or wall-eyed, we are seeing the world with stronger eyes.
Evie can turn her head from side to side while laying on her stomach. She may whine/squeal while she flips her head to the sound of your voice... but she will do it. This 5 minute feat pretty much wraps up tummy-time. We are generally burnt out at this point.
Evie has also gotten more demanding on our time. No longer happy "left for dead" in her swing... she wants to be held and wants you to MOVE AROUND THE HOUSE while you are holding her. This, can get trying at times (like when I have to eat or pee or shower).
Evie's slipping in some semblance of a routine. I know "about when" she'll be awake and when she'll be sleeping the most. She tends to wake up like clockwork every 3.5 hours at night... and will let us put a pacifier in her mouth to buy just 10 more minutes of sleep (like a snooze button, really).
In the early morning (after a 5AM or 6AM feeding) we tend to pull her into bed with us to keep her from springing alive too early. We'll all fall asleep and wake up 3 hours later to her stretching her limbs out as far as she can while grunting and twisting. Its like sharing the bed with a miniature old man, really. This... doesn't cease to crack us up.
Evie chirps like a bird when alert, grunts when eating, and "wah-wah's" when you need to be doing something, anything, differently.
She still poops... frequently. She recently began farting & burps a deep, caverness belch.
Evie, is still a lot of work, but I'm beginning to understand the job a wee bit more and I am really enjoying the company of this little co-worker.

1 comment:

kendra said...

give in.

this is the part where the baby beats all of the free will out of you.

she is teaching you your new role in life as her bitch. after a while you'll forget the past you and you'll expect this.

in time there will be bonus days when it's not that bad. i feel for you.

later, this child will be the coolest thing that has ever happened.

go figure.

ps. we will try to see you on our way aug 31st.