Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Today I'm slightly more peppy. Let's just say that I didn't want to break down in a fit full of tears at 4PM because I couldn't take the extreme exhaustion anymore. And yes, that did happen yesterday.
Today's excruiciating headache was worse than yesterday, though. Standing up would cause a sudden shift in my blood's gravity...cause my head to throb. At one point - I saw those points of flashing light you see with an oncoming migrane. Its all right behind the front of my left eye, too. I suffered through till 11AM when I finally caved for 1 aspirin. It didn't subside till the end of the day. Maybe I'm allergic to work. Maybe its the fact that I have also decided to quit caffeine cold turkey. God, am I fucking stupid or what? I'm going to try coffee tomorrow morning... after my 72hrs of being "dry". I bet I'm doing cartwheels out to the car.

I'm actually doubting that I am pregnant. I don't feel it. Rob laughs at me when I call to tell him this. I'm wondering if I should buy another test. But I'm also too lazy to go to a store to buy a test. Rob tells me this is why he knows I'm pregnant - cause I'm too lazy to play into my crazy tendencies. Maybe he's right.
I almost tossed my cookies this morning (there was nothing to toss) after a small coughing fit. Nothing happened. Other than that, I don't feel this scary morning sickness I have been VERY fearful of having kick in. Am I lucky? Am I on the fringe to this wave hitting me? Am I not even knocked up?
I asked my mom about this no-morning-sickness = not prego, theory. She tells me she never threw up. She said some things didn't sound good to her and she hardly ate... but that the woman held on to the content of her stomach the entire time. Maybe I come from an iron stomach family... this would make sense. I generally don't upchuck (Ok, yes, a few times in the not so distant past I would drink too much and ultimately spill out the last drink I had... but other than that, no flu bugs, no food allergies, no food poisonings - maybe once 10 years ago, no sickening roller coasters...). I'm generally the one who sweats things out if I feel queasy. But, I haven't even felt that.
Maybe I'm just contracting the cold going around hence the tiredness and headaches?

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