Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Some days pregnant, Some days not.

6 weeks
I should be at or around 6 weeks. I don't go to the doctor for another 2 weeks and he'll confirm this ('cause we all know I've been reading up on this stuff to the point where I could almost be my own OB/GYN).
They say morning sickness (MS) kicks in around this time. This is the time the baby is sharing its system with mine and its HcG levels are wrecking havoc on me. As a result, we (all pregos) upchuck. Yesterday, was awful. No actual puking but - ick, I felt quesy.
I have tried to eat things A. healthy for me, B. filling and C. something that lasts a long time and doesn't leaving me starving 2 hours later.
Yesterday morning I ate an English muffin (carbs to sooth/fill the stomach) with peanut butter (protein to last all morning) and a huge glass of strawberry milk (calcium to avoid having the baby rob me of my teeth a year from now... and strawberry to make it taste better. Milks OK but c'mon, its milk.). I got to work and felt a little shitty within the hour. Maybe I ate too much? Maybe this combo was not a good one for me? Maybe nothing will be great for me in the next few weeks since I am at the MS stage? Maybe, maybe, maybe. This crap is all a learning process. All you read about is stale gingerale, anything ginger and plain crackers at this time. Maybe I need to start considering this route. But yesterday, my MS was ALL day. Bleech!
Its not even this feeling of wanting to puke all the time. It migrates and changes shape every hour. One minute I'm fine, the next I have a cold sweat as I calculate the distance from my chair to the bathroom stall.
I went out to lunch with my team since it was my supervisor's birthday. We went to the Cheesecake Factory and we all ordered salads. If you haven't been before - the place looks very cool, is a little pricey (but that's because they give you proportions large enough for 12 people) and the service is S-L-O-W.
I was starving so I dove into my Cobb salad (no, not ranch dressing - I chose Balsamic vineagrette to be slighty more healthy). I ate half (again, ginormous proportions) and pushed myself back. I spent the rest of the day and night feeling like hell.
All that healthy salad must have all led to gas cause I felt like I gained 10 lbs in one day. I wanted to cry. I was so uncomfortable. I'll never giggle at the thought of someone with IBS having gas ever again. Its horrible.
So today? Better so far. I had a half cup of coffee - fuck it, the caffeine for the last 17 years has made me regular and on time. (I needed to be back on that scedule!)... and a bowl of cereal. Maybe today's formula will work better?
Here's hoping. Cause 6 more weeks of this - is slow murder.

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