Saturday, November 11, 2006

And baby makes three.

I'm addicted to this website.
I actually found this website during on of my many searches for baby blogs, ttc sites (trying to conceive) and medical sites telling you what to expect if you think you are pregnant. I found it absolutely fascinating how every 24 hours something magical happens. The first 3 months are so intense (in terms of development). Science amazes me.
We drove to Greensboro last night. We had planned this weekend many weekends earlier... a Peanuts exhibit is on display at Wake Forest University and this was the last weekend. The timing was pretty awesome for telling my folks, in person, that they'd be grandparents of a grandchild instead of just the grand-dogs.
Rob bought a pack of 5 plain onesies at Target and we decided to create a unique one for our announcement. We ended up with "I (heart) my grandma and grandpa" with a Rob original illustration of a baby.
We exchanged ideas via email while I was at work.
Rob kept choosing pink as the major color - I thought this was noteworthy.
The final result was very damned cute. I folded it up in a red chinese take-out box and handed it to my mom saying, "This is something Rob and I have been working on." It took her a second - I knew it would. And then she exclaimed, "I knew it!"
My parents are, of course, very excited.
My mom, of course, is frustrated she cannot tell anyone.
It's too soon. What if something goes wrong? The first doctor appointment isn't until Dec 6th (the day before we leave to drive home for Ohio for "Christmas" with the family). After that goes well *fingers crossed*, then I think we can begin to make the announcement.
Years ago, I knew someone who told everyone she was pregnant very early on. She then lost the baby within the next few weeks while on a trip to the beach with another couple. She had to come back and get a DNC at the end of the trip. After leaving people behind elated with thier news - they came back to condolences. That sounds awful. I'd hate to experience that.
Besides, it will be so cool to tell my dad's mother that she'll be a great grandmother when we go home. That news will be way more exciting in person.
We'll see if my mother can survive Thanksgiving without telling my aunt the news. I bet she breaks. She's already upset that we'll tell our friends on Thanksgiving. Hell, if I'm not attending an event with a cocktail or wine in hand - it will speak up for me. So, get ready Kelly... you've got some news coming your way soon.

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