Friday, January 01, 2010

Potty Training Boot-Camp: Day One

We have off/on tried pull-ups and goading Evie to try the potty before bathtime. She is familiar but not a fan. She thinks its more entertaining or annoying but not something she's going to have to eventually DO and do her whole life.... so today I decided to push up my sleeves and really get this thing going while I have a 3-day weekend. So much for time-off, I'm on potty doodie (um, duty).
We started the day by watching a Potty Training video as a family. This movie was stupid. It was by the Pull-Ups company and basically said it was OK for this to go on and on has long as it must til she gets it. Yes, yes, I sgree... but this commentator was a little too relaxed in her reminding you to buy more and more Pull-Ups..... more infomercial than information, I think I'll chuck this disc.
So, we started with Pull-Ups and a sticker chart. Evie must sit on the potty every hour throughout the day. Each time she *goes* she'll get a sticker on the chart. She will also get a sticker on her chest and 2 M&M's.
First time on the potty - nada. An hour later, a wet pull-up and nada on the potty. I change the pull-up.The next hour, nada on the potty and again a wet pull-up. OK, I'm all about patience but I'm also about "getting it" so I take off the pull-up and put her in panties & a shirt.
About 20 minutes later Evie runs backward to put her butt on her potty seat, "Uh oh! Pee pee!" A trail of pee from the TV to the potty seat (which I put in the middle of the living room after putting on her panties). I laugh and clean it up.
About 20 minutes later (and a fresh pair of panties on), Evie squeaks across the kitchen floor, slips and falls. She was trying to run to the potty but slipped and fell on her own trail of pee. Wet footprints led all through the dining room and to the toilet in the front room. Rob and I laugh at how its a good thing I never mopped the floor the day before.
OK, we are going to FLY through the 8 panties I have on hand if we continue on this path. So... off with the panties!
We shared house a bare-assed kid for most of the day.
And you know what? It freakin' worked.
We have this waterproof mattress pads we put on the couch and we put towels on the kitchen chair. But we never had a single accident. This isn't to say there won't be some, there might. But today went great! She went 13 times, yes 13 times!
We did have to resume pull-ups when B&D came over with Charlie for a little over an hour... but instead of slipping back that slippery slope... she still announced Pee-pee's and went! In fact, she went 3 times in one 15minute interval (I guess the additional adult approval was motivation to do repeat performances!)
So, now its bedtime and I put a pull-up on her for overnight. I am WORRIED that it won't be strong enough to hold the amazing overnight pee's this kid has but I also fear putting on an overnight diaper at this point in the game. Eh, I guess its a cheap mattress and we'll finally see if the waterproof mattress liner does, in fact, work.
Up tomorrow, Day Two: More of the Same.

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