Thursday, January 07, 2010

Potty Training: Days 6 & 7. Poo Poo on the Potty

Really?!. Has it been a week already????
Well, we've survived the first week... and its not w/o its share of hic-cups. I do consider us "cheaters" in this first week struggle, though, since we have sent her to the sitter's house for days 4, 5, 6 and 7..... soon to be 8 tomorrow.
On day 6, Evie did well but was sent home in a spare pair of pants apparently after having gotten some pee-pee on her pants (didn't quite pull them down in time?). Also, no poops. Still.
On the morning of day 7, mom decided to begin her freak-out that Evie was into day 4 with no poops. After calling the pediatrician and hearing all the tricks she had already been doing (fruit juice, fiber, stool softeners, open-door policy so she can watch me, etc. etc.) it was apparent that she was OK and would be OK.... poops or no poops. But, after no poops by 5PM we decided to jumpstart things with a little magnesium citrate. Rocket fuel, if you ask me.
We gave Evie a glass and let her sip, sip, sip away at 2.5oz of magnesium citrate. I began wringing my hands anxiously wanting her to finish so I could put a pull-up on her. I drank this stuff after having NOT POOPED FOR 8 DAYS (yes, can you friggin' believe that? It was after my C-Section and I just couldn't go, it was truly one of the more miserables points in my current life...) and this stuff makes you blast off within mere minutes.
Evie finished sipping and I whisked off her pants right there in the living room. On with the pull-up and wait. I didn't wait long - I saw it -THE FACE...
I scooped up Evie with her crying hysterically, "No mommy! No mommy! No potty! Clean up!" This was basically her way of saying she preferred to poop in the pull-ups. I dunno, maybe it was a wrong choice by me but I wanted to harness this perfect moment by plopping her down on the potty.
I pulled Evie's pants down and *ahem* a mess hit the floor. She. was. hysterical. So hysterical, in fact, that she began to do that deep regurgitation burp that sometimes happens right before vomiting. It was nuts. I did everything from soft soothing voices to telling her it was all OK (smile!) and trying to pet her legs.... all of it was terrible. I finally screamed for Rob to bring a small trash bag and wipes to begin cleaning up for fear she would throw-up all over me from the emotional meltdown she was bringing upon herself...
I had Evie stand up and there was a poop in the potty. Now, how it got there is it prolly fell in the process of taking down her pants, but still,... it was IN THE POTTY! We praised, and praised, and hugged her! We had her flush the toilet and wave good-bye! We told her how proud she should be and how she "did it!" Rob then took her hand and ran her down the hall for m&m's and sticker rewards. I was left with the half-poop on the floor and what was left of my dignity.

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