Thursday, July 07, 2011

Sleep Patterns: When can I sleep again?

Last night you turned 8 weeks. Dad and I discussed how we remembered Evie having at 2/3AM bottle and then getting up later in the morning than what you do (yes, most likely this is a "rose-colored glasses situation", we are aware).

You had a bottle at 8:00PM-ish (which was a little earlier than it has been lately... its been 8:30-9PM-ish) and you went to bed around 9:20PM. You didn't wake-up for a bottle until 2:30AM! (its been 1:30AM lately... generally 5hrs after your last bottle).
Your next feeding (nursing) was then at 6:15AM! (which is also later than its ever been - you typically get up like clock-work at 5AM...).
Could we finally be moving in the right direction to dropping 2 feedings and just having the one midnight feeding?
Dare I hold my breathe for the possibility?
*sucking in air and closing mouth tight*

So the night after posting this (basically, the next night) we went out and grandma had to "encourage" you to take a bottle. You didn't take much or ate earlier than normal or some such... end result: you were up by 1:30AM and again around 5AM.
BUT, the night after that we gave you at 4oz bottle at 7PM and a 5oz bottle at 8:30PM (which, we sort of kept you up for and gave to you w/o you really asking for it, wink!) and you slept till 2:45AM again!
Woo-hoo! I think we are on to something liveable soon!

1 comment:

CT Graphic Designs said...

My nephew eats a full meal, now but back in the day my brother would give him a bottle at 11 pm at night , nephew would not wake again until 8-9am the next day, however I believe they also gave him a bit of cereal with the milk, he never really had trouble sleeping at night but then again, his parents stay up late and sleep most the day lol. Crazy how kids can adapt to any schedule with in time,