Saturday, July 02, 2011

The Rainbow Cake Incident

I have been planning this cake for months. What a perfectly delicious way (pun intended) to trick my pre-schooler into thinking her boring cake (boring on the outside) into thinking its boring on the inside, too... but wait! Once it is cute... a rainbow is reveled! Tah-dah!

I followed this blogger's recipe only to have it spill all over the side of the pan and all over the bottom of my oven. I threw aluminum foil in the oven to catch the rest and it looked like, as Rob said, "a clown threw-up." Thankfully, it tasted better.
The cake actually took far longer then expected to cook all the way through. In my haste to get it out of pan, on a plate, iced and hidden before Evie would see it (she was out for the day with a sitter until 5PM)... I flipped the pans only to have it half stick to the bottom. I then attempted to scoop out the bottom and "glue" it back together with frosting. When the mudslide occurred and pieces began hitting the floor... I knew it was over this cake officially sucked.

I screamed out "FUCK!" It made me feel slightly better.
The beer helped more.

Evie came home. She looked at the cake threw the plastic carry-case lid and said matter-of-factly, "what's THAT?"
What is that, indeed.

I decided to send Rob out again for 2 more boxes of cake mix. I started over.
This time I tried cupcakes. Would you believe they all burnt and stuck to the paper? What the hell.

Miraculously, the leftover batter I tried to "use up" by throwing in an 8" pan and into 9 muffin cups (yes, can you believe I happen to have just enough batter to match the number of guests? Its like fate finally cut me some slack)... all turned out FINE. So, that is what I used to make the "masterpiece" shown at the bottom of this post.

I am happy to report it was beautiful on the inside, the moms were impressed, the kiddos ate it all up (they all seemed to like having both cake and a cupcake each)... and everyone was happy.

Evie wants to play with the batter. I threaten her life at this point.
The cupcakes looked promising till I burnt them trying to get them to cook through.
It made me happy when the kids all wanted to eat the sun (which, looks like a spider doesn't it?). Birthday girl won. :-)

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