Sunday, July 17, 2011

OBX Beach Trip 2011: Day One - Road Trip!

Max is 9.5 weeks - 10.5 weeks old on this trip.

"Yeah! Road trip! ... What's a road trip?"

"Are we there yet?"
I spent the last hour of this road trip (typically, its 4.5 hrs long. This time the trip was 5.5hrs with the latest addition requiring a bottle break) crammed into what remained of the back seat. I'm actually twisted and sitting on one butt cheek since those car seats are occupying so much space. After pouring a cup of water for Evie, I ended up (illegally!) feeding Max a second bottle. Shhh, tell no one...

"How about now? Are we there yet... now?!."
I can't take full credit for this idea. I read about it in some nerdy parenting magazine that I get for free and feel compelled to read before tossing. It suggested giving kiddos a simplified map to follow along with landmarks/points-of-interest highlighted along the way. I modified the idea... we marked each spot she asked, "Are we there yet?" with a star so she could see how much further we had to go. She ended up only asking 5x's... pretty good for 4 years old (I thought).

Evie and Lala race to the beach after arriving in town.

Rob and I (and Max!) join the group at the beach this first night. Evie, who last year feared the surf, eagerly jumped all over the waves. Boy, what a difference a year makes...

Max's first trip to the beach. This Baby Bjorn (baby carrier) is a life saver when walking over steep dunes.

Everybody enjoys a drink on the beach... Even Max hits the bottle.

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