Saturday, September 01, 2007


OK, I'm going to jinx this PURELY because I am going to boost about how fantastic yesterday/last night was.
Rob and I have had many discussions as to what the best approach is when it comes to getting Evie on a nighttime sleep schedule. Forcing her to wake up and eat was not truly working since it left us with feedings like 5AM-5:30AM... nap for 15 minutes... fuss until 6:30AM wanting another feeding. We were fighting a biological clock. If only we could reason with Evie. But, when can one ever reason with a baby? I still can't reason with my parents—but that's another story for another day.
Yesterday Evie ate at 5:30PM (she usually likes to eat at 6PM). Then again at 9PM (and hey! We didn't wake her for it - she did that on her own). She fussed a long bit before crashing at 10:30PM. Then, get this, 3AM is wake-up for her next feeding. Can you do the math? That's a 6 hr run in between feedings! THAT, my non-child havin' friends, is what the medical community refers to as "sleeping through the night". Fuck yeah.
So, Rob slept from 11PM until 6AM and I slept from 11PM-3AM & 4AM-7AM. For once, I think I'm tired from too much slept. I'm used to operating on 4 hr nights lately. Hell, I was wide awake at 3AM.
Life goals and life needs really do change when you have kids.

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