Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Baby's first cold

Rob's comicbook partner-n-crime came up from SC this past weekend. He crashed out on our couch Friday night before the two of them headed up to Baltimore for the Baltimore Comic Con (convention). They stayed for one night and came back late Sunday night for one final night on our couch before heading up early Monday morning.
He brought with him - a box of kleenex.
For his cold.
His awful, awful, snotty cold.
He left us with his cold.
His awful, awful,, snotty cold.
I came home after work Monday night to Evie chugging away like a raging rhino. Her breathing sounded like she was about to charge... and she was charging under water. Poor kid. I sucked out 1 mL of snot before feeding her (cause how the hell is she going to breathe AND eat?). She seemed OK with it all. Mom was beginning to understand how mom's feel when their baby is sick.
Tuesday morning. She began throwing up ALL of her feedings and spent the better part of the night before whimpering because (as I think) she was starving. It was horrible. Made me heartbroken.
Rob took her into the doctor. she has a cold. Just a cold. No real cause for alarm (our doctor and nurses seem pretty laidback about many things... I think they know first-time moms beat themselves up plenty without them sending you into a deeper panic). She had a slight fever of 99 but was going to be OK.
She already seems a wee bit less snotty. But still warm.
I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. At least its just a little cold.
I think I'll be OK. ;-)

Oh, and she was weighed, too. 12lbs 8oz at 10 weeks old. Man! I knew she was headed to being a chunk-a-chunk but now I have confirmation... she got this from me. I'll have to post my baby photos sometime.

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