Thursday, September 20, 2007

Another mark in the "what the hell does this mean?" book...

Evie's taken a liking to her hand lately. We've noticed her drooling a bit over the course of the last week or two. But now, her hand is generally shoved in her mouth... and covered in spit. One tight little ball of a fist wriggling around in her mouth. No whimpering or crying. Sometimes a loud "shluk, shluk, shluk!" sound as she catches air in her sucks. She seems completely sontent when doing it, too. We don't know what this means.
Teething soon?
We thought this universal gesture (hand-in-mouth) meant she was hungry. But, she really is rather bliase about eating an evening bottle or the first bottle of the morning (two times I have noticed this behavior). So, who knows. I did look up my old baby book to see that my mother had written in "Sucking on your hands. Teething?" at almost the same age Evie is now. So, Evie's either normal or like her mother. My 2 bottom teeth came in around 6 months and I had all 4 front teeth by 8 months. They say teething patterns are hereditary...
Evie isn't sleeping well, either. Fits and spurts during the day. She sleeps like a champ at night. Yes, sometimes she has a rough midnight feeding or two but considering the general baby population - I think she is quite good. Last night, half a bottle at 6:30PM/ other half at 8PM. Bath, story-time and bedtime by 8:30PM. She then slept ALL NIGHT until 5 AM. Pretty damned spiffy. Now if she could just wake up at say, 7AM....
Evie is going through something these days. We don't know what, but something. Its funny how you can tell when babies are on the cusp of growing or learning something new or advancing somehow. They can be horribly irritable or inconsolible. Or, like Evie is lately, just plain out-of-sorts. She bops her face again and again with clenched fists and looks horribly tired (she appears frustrated and annoyed with her personal situation sometimes). She whimpers and moans in her sleep during naptime (dreaming?). She's slow to eat and sometimes won't at all. But when you look at her and smile, she's right there with you.

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