Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Baby Shower

My SIL, Nicole, just threw a shower for me in the great state of Ohio this past weekend. I have now officially been to Ohio too many times for my liking during the last 4 months. Seriously, though... I have.
I have been to Stow during ALL the cloudy months which is to say nearly all 12 months (specifically Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Mar and April). This trip - was the exception! I dreaded going (it was supposed to be in the 80s back in Richmond) but it turned out beautiful! Friday was the drive up (cloudy and misty rain) followed by the baby shower on Saturday (cloudy and warm) followed by meeting up with extended friends on Sunday (sunny and near 70s!) and driving home on Monday (cloudy and cooler). It was great - we wore TSHIRTS with NO COATS. Wow, indeed.
The shower was great. My SIL, a jr high teacher, shines during organized events. She coordinates every detail and leaves you with nothing to do but enjoy yourself. Yes, I'm lucky.
We got many things for junior. From the car seat (and an extra hand-me-down base), the stroller, the play pen, bathtub with some bath supplies, books, and a bazillion clothes... all pink. Well, there was a blue outfit in there somewhere. J hand-sewn a super cute baby jumper outfit with three little black birds and grandma crochet a white blankie. Another cousin made burp clothes. N, my BIL's girlfriend, got us each our own diaper bags (girly pink paisley for me and faux brown suede for future daddy). Amazing. I still have yet to go through it all again... to let it truly set in what items we now own.
We had a bit of a "challenge" to fit everything in our car. I'm trying to avoid Rob driving back to Ohio just for the crib (which, let's be honest, still won't fit in the KIA even if it is empty with only Rob as the driver). After seeing Rob's friend, A, stuff the stroller/car-seat combo into the backseat the night before we leave town, I suggest we try and bring everything home instead of shipping the combo later. This sends Rob into a bit of a silent my-wife-is-pregnant-and-crazy sort of huffing when I sweet talk him into packing the car... tight... on Monday morning. He unloads everything all over the driveway. After a few choice words, a brief exchange of frustration, it all... magically... fits. We did have to rely on the mirrors to drive home and the tower of plastic baby stuff shifted & squeeked much of the way home, but it was all worth it.
We later unloaded the car and stuck it all in the guest, baby's room. There are now bags piled around the bed which is covered in more bags. Its all a bit overwelming these days. Reality STILL hasn't sunk in. There's just so much to do (this closet has to move to that closet and that closet has to go to the attic and this dresser has to move to where that bookshelf once was). Decorating the baby's room and making room for baby isn't really very fun at all. Rob and I are beginning to feel the pinch, not on the wallet (not with all these gifts!), but in our daily lives.

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