Sunday, December 03, 2006

Stomach Sleeper

When I was a little kid - I always faced the one side of my room (even when I would flip my mattress around to face various walls). I'd fall asleep on my side looking out the window.
Somewhere after college (or maybe even while in college), I switched to falling asleep on my stomach. It was difficult at first since all my pillows were extra thick & firm since they were designed for side sleepers. Sometimes I'd push the pillow off the bed completely. I'd then splay out across the bed diagnonally and fall asleep quickly.
I eventually graduated to stealing Rob's softer pillow so I could have a something that wouldn't prop my head up too much. He later suggested an extra flimsy, feather pillow able to be squished down to the width of a pancake. Ah, bliss. I love this pillow.
When I go to bed now I always face the one side (I can breathe only facing this direction when sleeping on my stomach). I pull my arms up tight under my chest... sometimes so much that I wake up to them falling asleep under the weight of my chest. By morning, I'm sunny side up.
How am I going to sleep in the pending months? I'm actually fretting about this. I hear about woman being so uncomfortable and incapable of sleeping through the night. But I know that's due to going to the bathroom (I'm already up once every night and I hate it). I'm more worried that I'll never be able to fall asleep. My routine has always been to roll on my stomach, squish up into a tight ball, prop up one leg in a jack-knife (digging into the small of Rob's back) and off to sleep I go.
Now when I get on my back my boobs feel like stones. Its like trying to sleep on a rock quarry. And my stomach, although not at all "showing" is becoming more hard and tempermental to discomfort. I am increasingly more aware of this when trying to fall asleep. I know I've got a month left at best.
*sigh* And to think I was worried about puking night and day.

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