Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas will never be the same again...

... and thank God for that - cause this year's sucks.
Yes, yes - the weather is unseasonably springlike, which, is nice. But it isn't exactly making me want to snuggle up with a cup of cocoa.
My grandmother is doing better in the hospital. They are even talking about transferring her to a nursing home and possibly starting rehabilitation. This is fantastic! Too bad my mother is so soured from the last week's events that she's completely dampered ANY energy I had left to lift her spirits. There's only so much one can try to lift dead weight before one says to oneself, "Fuck it. I have better things to do. Like, write about this shit on my blog..."
So, my family celebrates on Christmas Eve. Typically the evening involves copious amounts of alcohol, shit-talking extended family members (we are somehow related to all kinds of interesting stories just waiting for Jerry Springer to call & book the show), opening gifts while I video-tape (I quit this year. I'm also the only one who insists on kicking of the night be rewatching the last 10 Christmas's. Again, I can only be so positive about these things before I realize I'm wasting my energy), and then Yahtzee fits in somewhere during all this.
Its generally pretty fun all-in-all.
This year - ppffft!
Rob and I took the dogs for a walk before dinner - I was ready to either strangle my mother or scratch her eyes out. It was becoming a toss-up as to which one would result in more pleasure for me. Rob grabbed me in the nick of time... I was leaning toward stranglation...
On our walk (brrr, ok, its getting cold now. That's what I wanted!)... we discussed next year. Would we come here, again, for the 3rd year in a row? Would I be able to have time off to go to Ohio? Would we stay home and do our own thing?
Rob says, "Well, maybe the parents can come and stay with us. We'll have a 6-month-old."
Holy shit. A 6-month-old. That's crazy! I mean - that's pretty old. That does go by fast! It will go by fast. I know I hear about them growing up 'right before your eyes' but... our kid's already growing up in our future plans and we don't even know if its a he or a she yet.


Anonymous said...

Next year, start your own traditions. You will have your new family, & it's important that you create your own hoiday traditions. Why can't some of your folks come & visit with you? Lugging a six-month old + all the paraphernalia + gifts= way too much hassle. Set your new life the way you want to and enjoy.

Brooke Ullman said...

I like the way you thik - you are a wise and learned man...