Thursday, December 28, 2006

Picture pages, picture pages...

Well, ok, so - it looks like I haven't changed at all in the last 3 months. I know I didn't gain anything the first 2 months. As for the last month - my scale still seems to say I haven't gained anything (but how much can you trust your home scale? Plus, you must factor in the user error...). I know that I used to be able to at least suck in my gut before. So, that photo of week 4/5 was really me letting it hang out there a bit. But today, I suck in as tight as I can and it doesn't budge an inch. Its also getting a bit more firm and rounded. If you knew I was pregnant and you looked at my belly - I think you could tell.

5 weeks (we thought it was 4)Here's 5 weeks (we thought it was 4)

9 weeks (we thought it was 8)Here's 9 weeks (we thought it was 8)

12 weeks and 2 daysHere's 12 weeks and 2 days

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the baby and the belly.