Sunday, April 18, 2010

Terrible Three's are Upon Us...

We've had no less than 14 meltdowns in a given hour.
Most recent "discussion"?
We watched Tom & Jerry, then Blues Clues, the n the MOVIE (yes, how much friggin' TV is this?) Finding Nemo this AM. Evie doesn't really actually sit during all of this. Its more or less on while we colored and wandered around playing with various toys...
We then went to the park for an hour, played with the neighborhood girl for half an hour and just had lunch.
"Yes, Evie (exasperated sigh since she now begins every question with "mommy" and then will ask questions in a scattered, rapid-fire succession. I'm over this after the last 6 hours of questions asked all morning-long)."
"Mommy, I wanna watch a show."
"I wanna watch Yo Gabba Gabba."
"No, Evie, we need to pick-up daddy from the airport soon. No more shows."
She proceeds to frown horribly and throw herself to the ground as if sacrificing herself to the TV Gods... hoping they may reward this display of complete devotion to the television with a one half-hour sitcom of her choosing.
I walk away.
Evie then follows me room to room crying (real tears!) so that I can truly see what hurt I have caused.
I try and ignore it, cause frankly, we had the same fit over wanting cereal for lunch (which we already had for breakfast), wanting to ride her bike while crossing the street, when we wanted to put on her shirt by herself (after needing me to help her turn it around since it was backwards), and her not wanting me to brush her hair.

Boy, I can hardly stand the anticipation for what the afternoon may bring.
Pins and needles!

Moments later

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