Wednesday, April 21, 2010

*** 2nd Sonogram - follow-up

Rob and I move about the motions at the doctors office rather fluidly after having just been here one week ago. I'm feeling good (since the bleeding stopped) and I'm trying on a positive attitude.

The nurse lists, AGAIN, all of my medical history... "c'mon, c'mon... get on with it!" is all I can think...

I undress waist down and wait for the doctor. He asks about the bleeding, the pregnancy symptoms I may now be experiencing or may have recently ended. I excitedly tell him that I had recently begun feeling more hungry and the bleeding was only 1 day. My boobs still felt big and I just had a good feeling that we'd see something. He seems happy to hear my positive attitude and "dives right in."

I grab Rob's hand.

We see a field of white... then the big black hole... then a splotch of grey floating in the middle with a very small, round yolk sac stuck to it... and a HEART BEAT! This is good, right? I mean, its a little slower than I recall Evie's being (the doctor picks up on my vibe and immediately says, "Remember it starts of slow and gains speed as it gets older...."). I ask how far along I am and he sys he can't quite tell a head or rump to take a measurement. I find this a little odd cause (counting on my fingers) I've got to be at least 7 weeks. I press him on, ""If you had to take a guess on age just simply based on the yolk sac, my period, the heart beat.... what would you say?"
He replies, "The 5-6 week range,"

Hmm, odd. But still, he seems OK with what he sees so maybe I ovulated late or maybe I don't know as much as I thought I knew. I sit back and give in to the expertise and ask when we need to come back. The doctor asks for 10 days (yipes, that's a long time!) and we settle on the following Friday (today being Wednesday). So, 9 days.

9 more days to wait.

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