Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Freight train brain

OK, today I feel like shit. Its all pregnancy related. I know this because when I was pregnant this past spring I remember feeling more and more like I had a cold the deeper things got. I don't recall ever having that moment of feeling myself again during my entire pregnancy with Evie... maybe after I had her, but then you are so tired with a new baby that you feel like a whole other kind of crappy. But this past spring, the day after I had the D&C... it was like a cloud had been suddenly lifted. I remember thinking, "Whoa... all that fog, tired, exhaustion, back ache, ... everything... is gone!" I had actually adjusted to it and forgotten what it was like to feel great again.
Let me just say, for the record, I am now very aware of how crappy I feel since I recall that "cloud lifting" feeling so vividly.

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