Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Shut up, shut up, S-H-U-T UP!

I know, I know... Every old person (and yes, you are OLD when you have kids over 18 and you tell people with kids under 5 years of age phrases that begin with, "You think its bad now, just wait until...[fill in blank]"
1. ...they start crawling
2. ...they start walking
3. ...they start talking
4. ...they can get on the internet
5. ...they want video games
6. ...they drive
7. ...they're a teenager
8. ...they join their first gang
OK, whatever.

Point is, yes, yes, yes.... we couldn't wait for her to speak. What an anomaly, parents who want to hear their mute child speak.
It was SO CUTE how she said "mommy" in this helium-induced, nasal-clogged, squeaky voice. It was freaking ADORABLE when she learned how to sing her ABCs. It was AWESOME when she said "Wow!" over everything exciting (and many not-so-exciting things).
But enough is enough now.

The constant repetition of a phrase, question or single lyric to a song while she watches with SHEER GLEE at the slow downfall of my faculties is obnoxious (not to mention borderline sick. I mean, c'mon. This kid is like a Chinese water torture and she EVELS in the joy of it all!). I feel like the The Cask of Amontillado,... in my own head!

I can now see why people my age prefer to dine alone. With no one to talk to. And they are completely content with that.

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