Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How quickly my inner-Martha fades...

I began this blog with enthusiasm. The thought of capturing all the major (and many, many of the not-so-major) milestones in Evie's life absolutely inspired me. I was going to be the mom of the 21st century... logging countless pregnancy moments & thoughts, multiple baby firsts and keeping all those precious little tidbits for all of posterity (and for the whole world!) to enjoy..
Meh. Your kid turns 2 and then... fahget-about it.
I am now the mom of a 2.5 year old (well, TECHNICALLY she isn't 2.5years until 4 days from now) and I can seriously say I am an older, wiser mom. I can now reflect on those *eager* days of doing everything (of being the bast damned supermom this world has ever known!) with a giggle as I watch my other, more recent mom friends attempt similar feats with their young'uns. Oh how funny we must all look as our own mothers look on at us. Our mothers who set-out to keep detailed baby books, keep organized photograph albums, video tape every recital and keep all those A+ school papers. They, too, eventually fizzled out... and we later lamented about it when we then got married and talked about how "we aren't going to fizzle out on our kids!"
I know my mother would be biting her lip till it bled if she actually got on the internet and read this. I could see her enthusiastic nod in my mind...
Some of my mom friends never set the bar as high as I did and we all eventually even out with them realizing maybe they should keep this or that cause the memories will fade... while I learn to not be compelled to take a photo of Evie each and every time she is on a swing (I mean, 3 days in a row can really prove to be captured moment enough). We all eventually settle into a comfortable groove of what is important (ok, so organic milk might stay on the menu for some but organic Oreo's is ridiculous.... washing clothes in baby soap can be skipped and so can washing out the tub before each and every bath.... and the food on the floor probably is OK cause she's FINALLY EATING SOMETHING, right?).
I did put down the baby book when Evie hit 1 year old. enough was enough. Evie's baby book is not nearly as detailed as mine was (only child here) but I thought it was more important to have a fairly complete book as the standard so if we have another kid... I don't make myself crazy with trying to keep up with 2 kids while maintaining baby book #2. I hear too many stories from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th kid from larger families who all got the shaft on a baby book since mom had zero time to maintain when when he/she came into this world...
I also never did a photo album. Who looks at those anymore? This is the digital age, kid. I don't remember my mom making me relive her childhood memories with the old brownie camera days so why make my kid live my childhood of limited 24 pics to a roll kodak film? Its all on disc, baby.
I'm also now finally cutting myself some slack on this blog. I mean, I'm not a terrible mother for not writing it all down, right? The way Evie says "Muhrie Crimas!" instead of "Merry Christmas!" or how she says,"Aw, man!" perfectly when something doesn't go quite right. Its OK that I am not cataloging everything anymore, right? It just means I'm enjoying them more... I think. there's something to be said about living in the moment, too. and maybe that's something else the mothers of older kids are eagerly nodding their heads and biting their tongues over, too, as I evolve and get to realize this now after 2.5 years...

1 comment:

Jill said...


Do you read Anne Thomas Soffee in Richmond magazine? If not, you should check out the January edition. I was putting too much pressure on my self for so many of the things you mentioned in your post, but after reading that article, I may have a new thought process for 2010. Or at least I can try.
