Monday, February 23, 2009


I made pork tenderloin and steamed asparagus for dinner last night. While cutting up the asparagus, Evie's hand ran along the edge of the kitchen counter, "mah-mah! mah-mah!*"
(*mah-mah is Evie's generic phrase meaning, loosely, "Excuse me mother, what is that you are working on and how might I get involved?")
I tossed a flowery tip her way to get her to stop & to sort of say, "Oh yeah? You want raw asparagus, do you? You want it? OK, here it is. Enjoy!"
Well, she did. She liked it.
Evie also later enjoyed steamed asparagus. By the end of the meal she decided on really enjoying just the tips. After demanding the only remaining tip on MY plate... I lobbed it her way muttering, "here."
Ah, the sacrifices of motherhood.
Its going to be stems and stalks for me from here on in, isn't it?

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