Friday, January 02, 2009

Christmas: Its a Wrap

We drove to my parents' house for Christmas this year. We spent last year in Ohio and after traveling these last 6 years... we are left questioning if we will just stay put for Christmas 2009. If only we could transport all our friends to the Richmond area over the holidays, than we could get everything we want (hint, hint).
So, I came home after working on Tuesday Dec 23rd, to a VERY worn out Rob. Eve was freshly laid down for a quick nap. Turns out Rob was developing a cold and was burnt out after having a very active kid all day. One fast food meal and a quick nap later, we were on the road. We got to my folks' house by 10:30PM that night.
Wednesday was Christmas Eve. We let grandma get Evie up while we tried to ignore the fussing downstairs (my mother, not Evie). Rob and I then spent the day running a few errands to our favorite haunts (sans baby) and we dined on a most excellent lunch of hot wings at Buffalo's. All-in-all, a good day. Dinner that night was lasagna and everyone crashed reasonably early.
Christmas morning included copius amounts of coffee, mimosa's and my mom's homemade breakfast quiche. We also TRIED TRIED TRIED to get Evie excited about opening gifts. The girl opened maybe... 2 total. She was more into exploring the house, sitting in grandma's chair, playing with coasters and basically talking to herself. Ugh, disappointment.
Evie did go BONKERS over her Yo-Gabba-Gabba figurine set. She took them all out of the box. Then put them all back in the box. Then took them all out of the box. Then put them all back in the box. You see where this is going, right?
Another Christmas hit, the xylophone. She transported this thing everywhere and played all sorts of "melodies."
Evie's Christmas top ten:
1. Yo-Gabba-Gabba figurines
2. Xylopone
3. Mini magnetic Doodle Pro
4. Little People Play Farm
5. Foofa T
We lingered in North Carolina the day after Christmas (and stocked up on post-holiday close-out must-have's from Target) before heading home Dec 27th. This additional time allowed us to all finish up the severe colds we brought to grandma/grandpa's house... grandma was quite happy with this.

All-in-all, a great holiday but I'm still looking forward to the Christmas that involves Santa-anticipation and mass gift-opening. Perhaps 2009 will be the year?

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