Friday, January 02, 2009

18 months (today!)

Today, Evie officially is One and a Half.
Today, I realize how much more work is expected from me.
Looking back... NOW... the beginning seems so easy. All that was expected of us was a messy house and exhausted parents cradling a well-fed & loved newborn. Simple, right? Gawd, it was so horrible in the beginning. The stress! Was she eating enough? Did I hear her cry? Is she still breathing? Did she just have a blow-out & did I bring an extra onesie?!.
At today's doctor's appointment we got the typical, "Is she eating OK? Is she playful?" type of questions.
Then we got, "Is she using a spoon?" Well, yes. Sorta. I load it up (but only if its sticky food liked mashed potatoes and only if I feel like dealing with her dumping it everywhere).
"Is she using a cup?" Well, yes... when I get a wild hair and enjoy the comic relief of watching her try to use a cup.
"Is she talking?" Um, well, she says 'daaawg' for 'dog' and 'hi' after much coaxing. Oh! and she points to her PJs and yells out "B-B! B-B!' when wearing her Brobee pajamas, does that count?
"Are you disciplining her?" Um, you mean like telling her 'no!' and trying to get her to stop giggling?
The discipline question really got me.
This kid seriously thinks we are funny. And we get even funnier when we panic or yell out,"no!' to dangers like standing on chairs or running away down the sidewalk.
What am I going to do if Evie is anything like I was as a kid?
What's Rob going to do?
I don't know how to get this kid to take me seriously but I can say this - it better happen SOON or we are in a load of trouble when she gets to 13. By then, its too late!

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