Friday, April 11, 2008

9 Month Check-Up: Stats

weight: 21lbs 2 oz (75%)
height: 29.25 in (95%)
head circumference: 47.5 cm (97%)

Evie was given clearance to start eating finger foods (except really crunchy things like apples or raw carrots). We are also to start weaning her off a bottle and onto a sipper cup (good luck!). And, we can use bug spray & sunblock this summer (see ya in July!).

Wow - I'm growing more anxious about the road ahead. Finally I can do all these new and exciting things... and YIKES! She is growing increasingly curious, precocious and mobile. All new dangers ahead!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's getting to be such a big girl! I'm not surprised about the head circumference being in the 97 percentile. She is Rob's daughter, after all!