Thursday, October 25, 2007

new mom ins and outs

So, I woke up this morning to no covers thanks to the husband and the dog, *sigh*. Between this, the cold meals, the being spit-up on, the having to carry everything like I'm preparing for an overnight trip even if it is just out to the grocery store... its official. I'm a mom.
I've been having to stay late at work this week. We are in "peak" holiday season at work and I am one of 5 designers responsible for creating that big, colorful ad you will all see in your newspaper for the day after Thanksgiving sale. Yes, that's right, I am helping create the infamous "Black Friday" sales ad.
And lemme tell you, its all work-work-work with little-to-no glory!
Last night I stayed on until 7:45PM just to get the lay-out on my page done (this ad ships very soon so this its important that I get things done & done correctly now.... not to mention that this is a very critical ad that keeps changing up until the very final moment of shipping). If you don't fully understand the pressures associated with Black Friday advertising, read this.
And, no, you couldn't pay to get information out of me so don't try. (Hmmm,... How much are you offering again?)
So, staying late last night wasn't THAT LATE but when you're kid goes to bed at 7:30PM.... it wrecks your whole night if you miss them. Your whole day. My whole week. Ruined. I feel like I completely missed out on a day in my kid's life. Now, granted, it won't be as "big a deal" when she is, say, 5 and she stays overnight somewhere. But, when she isn't quite 4 months old, a whole day gone is like a week. Hell, she started talk, talk, TALKING up a storm today and I almost missed out on that, too, with getting home at 6:30PM.
I never thought things like this would impact me this way. I never truly 'got it' when other people were so ga-ga over their kids. But, I tell you what, I get it now. My kid's the coolest thing since sliced bread and way more entertaining than the many things I enjoyed before having a baby around. I could watch her and be totally content with just watching her bounce, wiggle, laugh and coo endlessly. I find her so completely fascinating and, the best part is, she is ALL MINE!
Just another case-in-point in kid ownership, last weekend I got my haircut and brought Eve with me (poor dad, he needs a break on the weekends!). She was content when everyone was gawking at her but she started fussing the moment I got in the shampoo girl's chair. Many hair dressers ran to her aid but, by this point, she only wanted one thing. To be picked up... and to be held the right way. I had no idea how much we have impacted her preferences (or maybe we've just figured them out) but she CRIED when one girl held her like a baby (cradled) and got even fussier when another woman held her facing over her shoulder. Evie likes to face out and sit up. Period. The only solution? Evie sat on my lap wile I got a haircut. She had chunks of wet hair stuck to her hair and she had little bits stuck to her slobbering fingers. Oh, it was a trip. But the moemnt her ass hit my lap—the crying ceased. And, as ridiculously silly a scene as this was... I secretly (very deep down inside) loved it. Kids always reached out for the moms when I held them and I HATED it (made me feel incompetent). And, here was this kid... my kid... calmed only by me. How feaking cool a feeling is that?

1 comment:

kendra said...


I just read your post and got a little teary. 4 months old is a magical time. God I feel so queer writing that.. like I have 17 cats.

Anyway, the ownership only gets better from here. Sloane was the same way. She could only be held facing out. Little people, little preferences. I would much rather watch a show about that.

Any halloween costume plans?