Friday, October 26, 2007

4 month check-up

Dad and you send me an email pic before picking me up
Dad & you drove out to my office to pick me up for lunch before seeing the doctor today. I cannot believe its already your 4 month check-up. Time is flying.
Today is a crappie rainy day (that we so desperately need) so we ran in and out of doors trying to keep dry & warm.
We had Salsarita's Mexican for lunch - tacos for mom and a burrito (of course) for dad. You sat on my lap throughout most of my meal and quietly gazed across the table, the room & out the window. Your head swivels at a pace much like an attendee at a tennis match. I sometimes can't tell if you are overwhelmed or if this is just how you process things. Sometimes, I can catch your darting gaze and get you to lock eyes for a second... then you smile broad and shove a fist in your mouth. It makes me melt. Its all pretty damned fantastic these days.
We throw you back in the car to get to the doctor's office (not only on time but very early!). Dad and I both kept you far, far away from some sick boy who insisted on covering every square inch of the waiting room with his open-mouth coughs. *sigh*, if we could only wrap you in Saran wrap.
You started to get fussy by the time your room was up (it is naptime, afterall). The fussiness was squelched with the taking off your cothing. Just telling you that you were going to get naked made you light up. I sing the "Takin' off your pants! Takin' off your pants! Doin' the takin' of my pants dance!" song I created a few weeks ago and you just grin wildly. Dad hopes your enthusiam for nudity subsides by the time you are 2.
Some stats are recorded:
15 lbs.
24 3/4" long.
Holy crap - you're huge!
You are now in the 75% percentile (and you've been 50% all along up until today. You seemed to have tripled in size around 3 months... today confirmed it!) *wink*
All was fun and games (you peed on the scale and I had to carry your wet,bare butt back to the room) until the needles were finally brought in. I hated watching you wriggle and talk in the moments leading up to the first jab. Holding your arms back makes me feel like some sick form of betrayal.... like I held your hand while I led you into the firing squad. I know, I know - it all sounds so dramatic but watching your face squinch up, turn red, tongue curled and crying.... just makes me feel like all your trust in me is broken. It doesn't help that you didn't even fight. Somehow I wanted you to resist but you just laid there in futile pain... like you gave up and gave up on me.
Honestly, in the grand scheme of things, you did fantastic. You calmed down pretty quickly afterward (4 shots in all) and you didn't seem to actually hate me. Dad did whisk you off for a bottle to help soothe you while I grabbed our gear. You later crashed out the moment you got in the car to head home. I decided to leave you alone and chose not to say "good-bye" when I was dropped off at work both in fear of waking you and possibly getting rejected.
After work was non-stop fussing. You whimpered and wah-wah'd. Understandable, yes. A result of today's tribulations, yes. Do I feel like a wad of gum on the street, yes.
I hope tomorrow is fun again like it was before the doctor. At least we have 2 more months to build back the trust levels again before your 6 month appointment.

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