Thursday, October 11, 2007


I was reading a friend's post recently. She was commenting on an article regarding how some women today see value in getting a make-over to "fix" the after effects of having a baby. J, you know who you are, *wink*.
I am not in the least bit surprised that people would be participating in "mommy make-overs" (yes, the cutsey name is ridiculous. Its surgery, people. Not a Mary Kay make-up party).
I was actually more shocked when I heard about how some women GET c-sections when the baby is full-term (about 36 weeks) to avoid adding on additional & unneccessary weight gain. These women did not want stretch marks. They didn't want the cankles or the additional 5+lbs you pack on your final month. They wanted it all neat and simple and tied with a bow ....cut out the unnessary details, please.
I think putting your baby in harm's way just to spare a few stretch marks is absurd. Selfish. And its a horrible statement on our society as a whole.
I had a c-section. I didn't want one (I didn't want a natural childbirth for that matter either. I, personally, believe epidurals are a godsend, so send it my way. Evolution has helped some smart people in the medical community to invent these drugs so why not? Many of my gal-pals feel otherwise and went all natural... but I digress). I had a c-section because Evie was breech. Medical advancement has allowed such things to happen for both a healthy mother and baby.
Now, I also find this chick's post interesting: Parent Dish
Maybe I wouldn't have died. Maybe, in reality, I WOULD HAVE WANTED TO DIE passing a human butt-first... but that's enough for me.
Do I feel less of a mother? No. Do I now regret having a C-section? Hell, no. Did I want to sob uncontrollably at the thought of having a C-Section cause I realy didn't want one when my doctor told me I was going to have one? Yes.
Would I ever touch-up my scars? Hell. No.
The scars... the tears.... the stretch marks... the way your hips never quite look the same again... the less-perky-boobs from breast-feeding... are all signs that I rose to an amazing challenge and the outcome was Evie. Maybe it helps that my husband thinks I'm still the sexiest thing on the planet. Maybe its just my outlook. But we are all here to live life and to use our bodies to their fullest potential. So far, ...I have. Why would I ever want to tweak, nip or tuck that?

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