Sunday, October 07, 2012

Max daycare portraits - Bundle of Joy (BOJ)

Max is in part-time daycare as of this past Labor Day weekend. He was at a neighborhood sitter (the same one Evie went to) from the time he was about 4 months old until 1yr/4 months old.

We joined Bundle of Joy Daycare after some friends recommended them and we used them for back-up with watching Evie the summer I had Max. It's a nice place (it's still daycare, so part of your heart breaks at the thought of leaving them somewhere) and he does now like it. We are still adjusting to our bank funds depleting faster then they ever have before.

Max's portraits were last week - a perfect time considering he was over being sick, wasn't in too need of a haircut, and we had a decent outfit selected. He, of course. fell down just 30 minutes before bed the night before resulting in his 2 front teeth piercing through his lower lip. Lots of blood and tears ensued. 

Viola! I give you, Max's portraits the next morning.

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