Saturday, September 22, 2012

Disney Princesses on Ice: Rockin' Ever After

Thanks to my friend who works at the local coupon magazine publisher, I scored some free tickets for Evie and I to attend this today.
She had been excited for DAYS telling people she was going and saying to me, "Mom *pause*, I've seen princesses but I have never  seen a real, real, REAL princess before...."
We excitedly pointed out other girls entering the coliseum in their princess costumes and arrived with enough time to play with toy stands. We even comfortably found our seats without me freaking up asking her to, "hurry up!"
I told Evie was going to take her picture before the show started and she frowned. Coaxing a smile was a challenge and she hardly spoke. I still have no idea what the sudden problem was but after the first act she mumbled that she wanted to leave and go home. No idea. Was she scared? Was she overwelmed? Was she simply upset because I turned down all her requests for $22 lite-up sticks and $12 buckets of popcorn?
In any case, I pulled her onto my lap and we watched the rest of the show together. I bought a $7 box of popcorn during intermission and she seemed to perk up a bit.
As I predicted, she excitedly talked about the show in the car and to dad later tonight as we looked over the MANY small video clips and photos I took through-out the show. This is all totally consistent with how Evie's always been but it still makes very little sense to me. In any case, I know she had a good time after she's had time to reflect and I am glad I made her stay.
Would we go again? Probably... but maybe only if the tickets were free again. I would recommend to other princess-lovers out there, the show was a very well orchestrated event. I just don't know if I would pay for Evie to mope through-out another performance. But then again, my kid is an oddity... and she did enjoy it.

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