Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Costumes - 2012

We're on our way out to the Hansen Family Halloween party this Sunday night. A great opportunity for a costume dry run...
Evie is "Izzy" from the Disney show Jake and the Neverland Pirates. Although a still very girly character with her pink and purple clothing, this girl is not a princess and doesn't wear a dress - thank heaven. I really sealed-the-deal with Evie by embellishing her with my eye shadow, blush, mascara and lip gloss. Evie is seriously a cosmetic girl's dream customer - she wanted more (!) and was patient/still throughout the application.
Max is a toughie. He loves sunglasses and hats. But, he loves putting items on and immediately ripping them off more than anything else. So, we couldn't do a costume that required any head gear or masks. I then decided to hold onto Evie's old Tiger costume for Max to wear next year (it has a hood with ears on top). After shopping Target today, we realized we could be really economic and buy sale sleepwear for $12. Perfect! So, Max's costume will double as bed wear the night of Halloween... and then some. Max is, of course, a daddy favorite - Spiderman. Note the webbed underarms (details, people, details!).

This first picture captures both kids' true natures. Evie the glam girl who loves to be "pretty" (such a ham for a camera) and Max walking away shrieking with a bumpy gourd in his sweaty little mits. Ay ca-rumba.

The second picture is as close to a token keepsake, sweet photo as we could get. Maybe we'll have better luck in 3 more nights on Halloween night, but just in case, we do have this one.

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