Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Toothity-Tooth-Tooth (Max's First... Er, Second?... Tooth)

Max is 30 weeks old (or, nearly, 7 months).

During last night's dinner out at Chiptle, I noticed Max's lower front gums appearing more white on the one side. I told Rob, "Hey, it looks like he'll be getting in a tooth soon on that side [pointing to tooth #25]." I then reached in and ran my pointer finger along his smooth gums. Or, at least, that's what I started to do until he clamped down on my finger thus revealing my answer - its a tooth!
You can't really see the tooth yet but the bumpy ridges are definitely finished poking through and are sharp, sharp, sharp!
Rob reached in, "Ouch!"
In true, stupid family fashion, Evie had to have a feel, too. [Finger reaching in], *Clamp!*, "Oh! He bit me!" Evie pulls her finger back giggling.

Today, during dinner (and after Max had a rather fussy day today), I decided to reach in and see if he was getting in any top teeth yet. Evie got all 4 teeth in within a 2-week timeframe and I was curious if he'd follow her pattern. I felt the top of his gums and felt a more pronounced tooth than what I felt on the bottom. WOW! Usually kids get them on the bottom first but he must have been working on the top tooth sooner. I let him eat a frozen banana chunk and gum some cold ice packs before pulling him into the living room. I looked again - what the????
I grabbed the camera.
I pulled Max under the lamp.
Is he getting in tooth ... #10?

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