Friday, December 16, 2011

Giggle Toes

Yeah, so, we're doing this.
Evie's been in a couple of different programs at The Little Gym. We started somewhere around the age of 1 with some "Mommy & Me" type of classes. She hated it. She either cried the entire time or wanted to be held... the entire time.
We took a break.
Around the age of 3, I tried again with a dance class (she loved to "perform" at home to the song 'Dancing Queen' which she sang, "Dancin' ween...'). She didn't like the dance class and preferred the open gym that happened in the later half of the class. So, we took about 20 classes of gym. She stood there, inactive & chewing her fingers, for the entire duration of most classes. I would have stopped but she RAVED about how much 'fun' it was each time we got in the car. I was, essentially, paying for my kid to watch other kids play.
Here we are again.... now at age 4.5. I signed her up for an hour long class (once a week) called "Giggle Toes." They do 15 minutes of tap, 15 minutes of ballet and then 30 minutes of the gym. And, most importantly, they dress like little ballerinas.
At the first class, 3 weeks ago, Evie clung to me (I could tell she was testing my waters). I looked her in the eye, "You don't talk and you don't participate... then we don't ever come back." She raised up her eyebrows and gasped through closed mouth. I then watched through the window to see my tiny dancer cutting up a rug. We decided to join for the year... deja vu...
At the end of the first night, they LITERALLY had to fool Evie to run outside and locked the door behind her. She was that into it and into interacting with all the teachers.
Thatta girl.

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