Sunday, December 11, 2011

Max - 7 Months Old

Max meets Santa Claus this year!
(He didn't know what to ask for so Evie suggested a teddy bear when Santa asked).

Sounds: Max started saying "Ma-ma-ma-ma" while in Ohio for Thanksgiving break. Up until this point he would just screech, make an "ahh!" sound (both of satisfaction to himself and as if it meant "hello!" from acres the room) or blow raspberries. Max's raspberries are a rather awesome sound - they are perfect. He sounds as if he's a well-versed raspberry enthusiast. Just watch out when he gets going during breakfast feeding time... you might end up with pureed peaches in your eyebrows.
(sidenote: baby food peaches have a horrible smell... they make me gag, *bleech!*)

Choppers: Max started getting teeth! He's been drooling a lot throughout this month, so we knew something was in the works. I reached into Max's mouth while the family was out to dinner at Chipotle last week (December 5th)... I didn't expect the *chomp!* that I received! I was pointing out to Rob that I thought the lower front tooth, on our right (Max's left side of his own mouth), was due to pop out soon since his gums looked white in color... wrong! It turns out the three nubs were already poking out! We all took turns getting a bite from Max with giggles all around.
I checked Max's mouth for a closer tooth inspection the following day. What I found was this crazy little number off-to-the-side on the top part of his mouth, see my post on December 6th. I asked the dentist and he didn't seem too alarmed. Of course, the dental office added that nothing could be done about it anyway so, just watch it and see what happens. We waited.
As of today, here's what we are looking at [see photo]. The two bottom teeth are definitely up but not by much. His off-to-the-side top tooth is the one that is the most "in" right now with another front top tooth not too far behind! And, actually, front top tooth is coming in up way too high... it's no where near where it should be on the gum line. Ugh. What a mess! (I'm trying not to panic but I have to admit - am quite alarmed).

On the go (?): Max isn't really crawling yet, although, I did call Rob one night around a week ago to say he was... almost. He is starting to get up on all fours more lately. It started with him wriggle/rolling to places... not much with a purpose but just somehow ending up there. In the last 3 weeks he's been: first, much more coordinated to get up on his side and balancing... then, laying on his side evolved into getting up on one knee... and finally, this past week the one knee has been leading to him pushing off on a foot to gain some distance. So, all-in-all, Max can get up on one knee and push off ...once! He hasn't "put it all together" quite yet. I'm just glad he isn't totally discouraged or frustrated by anything so far. Not to compare, but Evie would be very upset and vocal for days leading up to her "break-through" into another milestone. I tend to notice Max's "break-throughs" less often since he seems to just do things and is rather content/unphased by when he accomplishes something. I'll be interested how these differences play out in his greater personality (like when he's in school or learning a skill/sport).

Temper: Still a rather easy-going baby (people have commented on this fact, too, so we know we aren't biased!). He seemed more frustrated when very little (under 3 months) but so far... he's still rather laid back unless one of the following occurs: diaper is too full, making a poop while sitting up, starving, tired at the end of the day and/or wants to be held (generally when tired). Max still loves "chaos". Large crowds filled with noise, talkative people and many things happening are somehow soothing to him. If not smiling throughout it all, he's totally content just sitting and watching. Case in point: I waited in line to see "Legendary Santa from 1:30PM until 3:00PM. Max stayed in his car seat... rather unattended for almost this entire time accept the last 15 minutes when he needed a change of scenery (so we held him). Again, kid is all around... easy-going.

Getting bigger: Max is certainly stretching the limits of his car carrier. The limit is 20lbs and I know he is over that by now (and if not, soon will be). Max seems to have thinned out significantly. He is getting longer but hasn't really up'ed his intake of food. Rob and I still seem to feed him the same amount of cereal/veggies/fruits as last month, which, surprises me. Max eats well but when he's full, he's full. Go figure.

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