Friday, December 24, 2010

Milestone: People and Landscapes

I must begin this post with just a few notes to consider. First off, Evie is 3.5 years old (well, "officially" she will be on Jan 2nd) and that she has ALWAYS moved through each stage of development in a stepping-block fashion. What I mean to say, whereas most kids try things a few times and fail or make mistakes before finally "getting it"... Evie has always flat-out refused to do anything she thinks she can't do ("No! I CAN'T do it!") and will not even attempt to humor me with trying. This has included everything from crawling to walking to speaking to picking up any drawing utensil or fork. She will simply not try anything until one miraculous day (and after many, many days of close observation of others) she will suddenly spring forth and do the very activity she has claimed to not be able to do. It frustrates me to no end because she will sometimes appear to be "behind" the other kids but then she amazes me with her ability to suddenly go beyond where the other kids are developmentally. I have finally learned that she's like this and no longer push her to attempt things knowing full well she will do it when she not only wants to... when she's good and ready... but she will then do it for the first time, masterfully.

So, artwork. Obviously, with an art major mother who does graphic design and a father who is a self-taught illustrator... we have been eager to see her find joy in coloring/drawing like we both did (and still do!) as kids. Evie has shown very little interest at all until attending pre-school this September (at age 3 yrs 3mos). Her after-hours program there has opened a new world for her where she fills countless pages (both blank and from coloring books) with solid colors. She colors from edge-to-edge in blue or purple (2 of her 3 favorite colors). She's learned other crafts and loves to help... but when left to her own project... its a solid-filled page for sure.

I have begun tp pick out a few and thrown out the countless many solid pages knowing that a new horizon was coming soon... one that offered a wee bit of imagination and creativity. Don't get me wrong, I love the solids, too (Rob framed one of her solid purple finger=painted pieces for me to hang and I love it) but I can't keep everything.

Finally... SUDDENLY... the damned in her mind broke open on December 20th with her asking me to draw a circle in which she added eyes, nose, mouth, hair , arms and legs. I was blown away. She had crreted "smily" faces with much goading from me... but never had she added hair or limbs... and done all of it willingly. I quickly turned pages and asked for more. With each one I smiled and she beamed. We filled 5-7 pages that night. She's been going full tilt ever since and I am so excited to see where this all will lead!

Here's some highlights:

Second or Third drawing from that first night she did this (Rob's parents). Those lines at the bottom right are an "E" for Evie:

Evie made cards for all of us during Christmas Eve dinner. This is Rob and I on the inside. I'm not sure who's on the cover:.

Another card of mom and dad featuring Uncle Andy on the cover. I think its hilarious she gave him red hair (which, he is strawberry-blonde!):

A landscape drawing made on Christmas Eve. This is the first time she has ever made a sun with rays, a blue sky and a rainbow:

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