Saturday, December 04, 2010

Christmas Tree Shopping

Normally Rob and I have zero decision-making problems. We can both agree on nearly everything ("Do you like this house? Me, too, let's buy it." "How about this car? Yep, I like it, too, let's get it." "I want pizza tonight. Yep, me too, ordering it now."). But this year's tree shopping must have taken at least 20 minutes... and it was freaking COLD!

Either Rob let me win or his brain was frozen cause he eventually said "yes" to my final selection.
At only $30, this Charlie Brown tree called to me. Maybe it was the fact that it was huge and we finally have the space to put up a huge tree in our house (new playroom space that may or may not stay once this next kid gets here). Maybe it was the pregnancy brain that made the selection. In any case, this thing is HUGE!

Nice family pic this year!

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