Thursday, December 23, 2010

Little Brothers....

Today at 3:15PM we found out that I hadn't gained more weight since my last check-up (I am right in the middle of the target range, yes!), that the baby now weighs 11 oz, that the baby has a heart rate of 146BPM.... and that the baby IS A BOY!

Today is my dad's 64th birthday and I thought it would be cool to pull my parents into the sonogram room if they'd let me (my parents haven't ever had a chance to experience technology like this and its so cool/real to see the baby moving on a screen!). We went to the doctor as 4 adults and one kiddo. They seemed OK with the idea but stated the rules first, "I have to do my job FIRST and then I can let them in. Only 2 people at a time."

After we chit-chatted with the lab-tech (Rob was in the room with Evie coloring on his lap), she warmed up to us. She took, quite honestly, about 23 photos for us to keep (!!!).
It did not take long to see what we were looking for. There is zero question that this boy... is a boy, ha!

When we told Evie it was a little brother she made a gasp sound and then continued coloring. She has no idea what she is in for. Let me re-phrase that... none of us know what we are in for!

The tech went to fetch my parents and we all agreed to not say anything. She even let Rob and Evie stay in the room while she showed my folks how the baby was grabbing his toes... then waving his hands and then finally hitting himself in the face (brilliant already!). My parents seemed pretty amazed that this baby already looks and acts like such a baby... and let's be honest... it really is an amazing thing how quickly all this happens.

The tech flashed the baby's privates to my folks and my dad caught it right away. Evie was their first and only grand-daughter... and this one will be there first and only grand-son. Pretty perfect for them!

We headed off to a birthday dinner soon afterwards... and then a quick trip to The Gap after polishing off desserts. Rob and I went wild buying 6 articles of clothes for the boy while we were there. A batman shirt with velcro-attachable cape? A knitted penguins face hat? A penguins patterned onesie? Who could resist! Resistance is futile!

The day was a fun-filled and busy day...
... it was only at 5AM did Rob and I both lie awake in silence... each with our own private panic attacks. A boy? TWO KIDS? Holy shit. What are we in for!

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